The Price of Success – How Much Does a Chess Coach Cost?

Amir Zarandouz

Practising chess by yourself can seem lonely and an uninviting prospect. It can also prevent you from advancing as a player. Employing the expertise of a coach can make all the difference, bringing benefits far beyond the chessboard, especially for younger players. Children can gain self-confidence, enhance social skills, increase concentration and even boost their IQ, so bringing a coach onboard can set them on the right path for success in all areas of their lives.

The prices that chess coaches charge for a lesson are generally based on their experience and level of qualification, but most are surprisingly affordable. The cost can also depend on the level of the student, with children and beginners at the lower end of the price scale and experts being at the other end.
Typically, coaches charge around £20-30 for a beginner, £50 for an intermediate, and £80 for an expert. 💵

Grandmasters (GMs) and International Masters (IMs) typically charge more than those with a lower FIDE rating, and one to one sessions tend to be higher than group lessons.

RetiOpening have a number of highly experienced chess coaches, ready to take on students of all levels. Our team includes Dutch GM Max Warmerdam. He charges approximately £35 and has a FIDE rating of 2535. Popular, with a busy calendar, Warmerdam’s students speak highly of his patience and kindness, so he comes highly recommended.

With a FIDE of 1933, Irish coach, Diana Murza, holds the title of WFM (Woman FIDE Master), is the only Irish person to win a World Title, and charges around £40 for an hour of her expert tuition. Her students describe her as ‘enlightening and extremely helpful.’

See Also

We also have Tamas Fodor. An English coach, he holds a GM title, has an FIDE rating of 2520, and has been a professional coach for 6 years. Charging around £50, his students say he is meticulous, patient and highly experienced, and have all improved their gameplay.

⭐️ Book a lesson with one of our coaches now – many of them offer a free trial, and see what a difference a RetiOpening coach makes ⭐️

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