How Do You Pick a Chess Coach? – Gain the Advantage with our 5 Top Tips

Amir Zarandouz

Studying anything can be hard work – especially when doing it alone. The necessary dedication, knowing where your flaws lie and what to work on, or the effort of finding relevant study material are all common challenges to be surmounted. If you are studying chess, there are also considerations around your opponent’s game.

Players at any level, even absolute beginners, can benefit from having a coach. It might be that you’ve reached a point where your improvement has stalled, you may need advice on designing a suitable repertoire, or just that you are looking for a challenging competitor who can teach you the important concepts. Hiring a coach brings your game to a whole new level, but how do you pick the best coach for your requirements?




Having lots of chess experience does not necessarily indicate that someone makes a great coach; however, happy, continuously improving students and a fully booked diary can separate the good trainers from the poor. A characteristic of all good coaches is their ability to communicate ideas in a way that is easy to understand and put into practice.

Understanding your requirements

A good coach will be able to pinpoint their student’s strengths and weaknesses, creating a personalized training program that focuses on them- because every player is different, a standard plan won’t work. He, or she, will study and analyze your game, identifying the parts that need improving, and then helping you to fix your weaknesses and develop your strengths. A good coach can offer invaluable advice and guidance for the ambitious student looking to improve their play.



Most chess coaches have an area of the game that they are particularly good at, such as the opening moves, while others actually offer specialized coaching focusing on that specific part. If you are lacking experience and knowledge in that area, a good coach can make a huge difference. In general, coaches are very comfortable offering a balanced training program to help you develop all parts of your game.

See Also

Chess strength

This point is more relevant for the higher level players and refers to the coach’s strength across the board. We generally recommend that you choose a coach who is at least 150 – 200 points higher rated. A rating difference of this size usually allows the coach to quickly diagnose your key strengths and weaknesses.

Teaching style

In order to learn effectively and develop a strong training routine, it’s important to have a good connection with your coach. He or she should be approachable, allowing you to interact and ask questions while being ready to give an honest opinion on any relevant topics. The information should be presented in a way that keeps you engaged and encourages active learning, at the same time gently pushing you out of your comfort zone. In order for your game to improve, you need to be able to trust your coach not to overwhelm you, taking you beyond your current level too quickly. If you do need to speak out, your coach should take your worries seriously, listening and responding favorably to your concerns.

Picking the right coach can make the difference between success and failure, so it’s well worth taking the time to get it right.

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